Welcome to my book club!

During quarantine, I got back in touch with the art of story telling. I explored self help books which actually do help. Who knew? Learning about manifestation, the power of my subconscious mind, and taking control of my twenty somethings helped me grow immensely. Here are my recommendations if you’re looking to do something other than Netflix & chill. Send me your recommendations through my contact page! Read and expand with me.

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Everyone wants to increase their finances and generate wealth for themselves and possible future generations. As I started to learn more about what it means to have financial freedom and creating it for myself, I began to wonder if my yearning for more money was coming from a selfish point or not. Recommended by my pastor, The Blessed Life describes how to create the life of abundance that you are looking for and it begins by generous living.


I find myself to be in a constant state of ending and beginning new seasons in my life especially as of late. Dare to Bloom further proved and emphasized that every season has a purpose and the cause of each new era is to push us towards change whether by choice or circumstance. Written by Zim Flores who also happens to be a serial entrepreneur and traveler, she delves into how her own personal challenges and failures have shaped her sense of purpose.

Taking a break from self help and radicalizing books, I decided to read a book favorited by both Oprah and Obama and written by a black woman. The Vanishing Half, a novel about twin girls growing up in a small southern black community. One lives in the small town with her black daughter while the other one secretly passes for white, even fooling her white husband but still, the fates of the twines are intertwined.

I feel like literally everyone has already read The Secret or watched the movie but if you’re late to the game like I was and haven’t read it yet, you should! This self help book focuses on the law of attraction, that your thoughts can manifest into fruition. I don’t agree with every sentiment in this book, but reading it did help reinforce that happy thoughts do lead to a happy life. To be rich in all aspects in life, it begins with knowing that you already are.

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What better way to commemorate a new found awareness and passion for dismantling capitalism and combating racism than to read from the great Malcom X. Compiled by George Breitman are a series of speeches and statements from the last year of Malcom X’s life where he critiques not only white supremacy but the U.S. Imperialism system. Join me in learning more about what they refuse to teach us! Knowledge is power.


This book was my first introduction to self help books and boy did it help. It taught me that so much of how we conduct ourselves in this world is based on our thoughts that we’re not even aware of. Changing the way we think in turn changes everything around us. Manifesting the things that we want and the person we want to be brings those things into fruition. I highly recommend this book for those dealing with depression and anxiety. Not every feeling or thought is true and teaching yourself how to change the way in which your mind acts and reacts can change your relationship with yourself and those around you.

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The Four Agreements has become popular recently and for good reason. Though extremely simple, it details ways of living that will ultimately make your life easier. Similar to the book, The Power of Subconscious Mind, the author describes how strong the power of the tongue is and how to only use it in the direction of truth and love. I recommend this book for everyone as it is a good reminder to always do your best and never take anything personally.

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I read this book with my girls in the group chat about a year after we graduated college when we were dealing with those post grad blues. This book details how thirty is not the new twenty and how what we do now essentially effects the rest of our lives. Scary, but true. I recommend this book for all young people. It reminds us that the relationships, friendship, jobs and activities we partake in should be chosen wisely as time waits for no man.